Si estás buscando para la parte superior recomendada , entonces Star Wars - Battlefront es nuestra sugerencia. Muchas buenas críticas ya demuestran la calidad de este producto. Y también vas a satisfacer con el costo razonable en caso de que se compare con el otro artículo similar que está en Internet. Si desea conocer más a fondo estos productos, a continuación se detallan sus características principales.
El producto es muy bueno!
Star Wars Battlefront will put fans and gamers in the heat of the action as they relive all of the epic battles from the classic and prequel eras of the Star Wars universe. Players will be able to participate in the most memorable Star Wars battles set in over 15 environments across 10 diverse planets including Hoth, Geonosis, Yavin, Tatooine and Naboo. Players will also be able to select one of over 20 different soldier types from four factions: Rebel Alliance, Imperial Army, Clone Army and Droid Army. Each soldier will have specialised abilities and the freedom to use ground-based turrets found on the battlefront as well as over 15 diverse ground and air vehicles including the AT-ST, X-wing and speeder bike. In addition to the single-player and various multiplayer modes offered in Star Wars Battlefront, a unique "Conquest" mode adds an innovative and strategic gameplay element to the action. After each battle is completed and the planet is conquered, the winning team will be rewarded with a special "bonus" ability that can be deployed in future battles in an attempt to take over the Star Wars galaxy planet by planet.
Título: Star Wars - Battlefront
Marca: GamingCentre
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